Monday, January 17, 2011

Here we go again....

Well it is official I am going to start to document all of my workouts on here for reference so when I need ideas I can come back to here to find a workout that I did. Let me start out by saying I am a huge slacker and my baby is almost 9 months old and I finally decided it was time to kick this body in the butt and get back into shape. I tried to get going about a month after he was born but then I was packing and moving and unpacking and it just seemed like I constantly had excuses then when we first moved up here I was really good about running again but then it got cold and I stopped. Well now I FINALLY got an awesome deal on a gym membership and so far so good. I was looking for a good deal and I just couldn't justify how much it was when we are in law school and money is tight until a friend of mine told me about the spouse pass at the U. Ty gets to go to the U gym for free because he is a student and I get to go for only $32 a semester so that is like $11 a month which is by far the best deal I have found. I was so excited and I got my gym membership today. I am so excited to get started tomorrow and to see what the gym is like. Since it is at the university there is no day care but I am going to go either in the evening when Ty gets home or during Ty's lunch break and on Saturdays when Ty is home so it is still going to all workout. Hopefully I will be able to get into a good routine and loose this baby weight. And yes I can still call it baby weight until he is a year old....and he isn't yet so there! :) Happy Exercising!

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